My clients are WINNERS.
They have created extraordinary success as an athlete, creator, entrepreneur, creative, author or speaker... and when they look to commercialize their influence, they don't want to start at the bottom.
BUT... they just don't see the alternative.
They get sucked into the mainstream trap. Affiliate marketing, a few brand alignment deals, a publishing deal and a reality TV show... if they're lucky.
All those medals, the awards... what was all of that for? Surely there is more to business and influencing than THIS...
It's no wonder that by the time they get to me, they are bored witless. They are frustrated. Aggravated.
The watered down version of themselves and their talents is not sustainable. They're ready for SO. MUCH. MORE.
There is a knowing that they are meant to change the world. Create extraordinary impact. Be extraordinary. Use ALL OF THEIR GIFTS AND GENIUS.
But the mainstream way of doing business has them in a box that won't let them achieve even 10% of that.